A Potpourri of Vestiges Feature

The makers of 102 Not Out thought of an innovative digital strategy to promote their film by hosting interactions via Facebook Live with fans and media in Delhi and Mumbai. Amitabh Bachchan, who plays a 102 year old father in the movie, was joined by actor Jimit Trivedi and director Umesh Shukla for the live interaction.
Based on a Gujarati play by Saumya Joshi, the film revolves around a 102-year-old man who is full of life and has his eyes set on breaking the record for the oldest person in the world. So he is hell bent on living at least 16 more years so that he can break the current record but he finds his 75 year old son both senile and boring. Therefore, he plans to send him away to an old age home so that he has no negativity around him.
In Delhi, the fans and the media greeted Amitabh Bachchan and team with great affection and warmth. The first reactions at large suggested that the movie managed to strike the right cords. Some of those present were left deeply touched by the film which became obvious from the kind of applause that the movie received.
The USP of 102 Not Out are the performances of Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor. The two veteran actors are at the top of their game and get good support from Jimit Trivedi who manages to make his presence felt in the limited screen time he gets. The tragicomic elements are employed to great effect in 102 Not Out which may remind some of the Hindi family drama films of the 1970s.
Apart from seamlessly employing some of the classic Hindi film songs into the narrative, 102 Not Out also uses a couple of clips of Charles Chaplin taken from the movies The Kid and Circus. The chemistry between Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor is absolutely brilliant and minutes into the movie we only see the mismatched father-son duo and not the performer portraying them.
Responding to the question asked by the Editor-in-Chief, A Potpourri of Vestiges regarding what motivated him the most, having already achieved so much in his illustrious acting career, Amitabh Bachchan said the following (please click the play button on the video below):
Responding to the question asked by the Editor-in-Chief, A Potpourri of Vestiges regarding what motivated him the most, having already achieved so much in his illustrious acting career, Amitabh Bachchan said the following (please click the play button on the video below):
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